
国際プレカリアート映画祭 作品と監督の紹介 Introductions of Films & Directors

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(岩淵 弘樹/日本/67分)
"A Permanent Part-timer in Distress"(Hiroki Iwabuchi/Japan/67min)

●シノプシス :派遣・請負大手の日研総業からキャノンに派遣されるフリーター・岩淵弘樹。平日は工場でプリンタのインクにフタをつけ、週末は東京で日雇い派遣の日々。こんな生活に出口はあるのか、そう呟きながら彼は自分自身にカメラを向け続ける。フリーターの権利を求めるデモに参加し、「不幸な派遣労働者」として全国放送のテレビに出演。「あなたは奴隷なんだよ!」と罵られ、拾った自転車で東京を疾走する。生きることに遭難した彼の出口は、どこかにあるのか?
●Synopsis :
Hiroki Iwabuchi has been sent to the Canon printer factory from an employment agency to work never stops recording his life.One day, he participates in a demonstration with permas a permanent employee.On weekdays, he assembles printer ink cartridges all day, while on weekends, he searches for temp jobs in Tokyo.He questions to himself in the hope that he will end his "part-timer life" so heanent employees that insists on Permanent worker's rights" and is invited to talk about it on TV.He was told that he is one of the many enslaved to society. He pedals his bike through the bright cities in Tokyo, as he wants to run away with his hope.Where will he find the exit from his distressed life?

●監督プロフィール :
2001年東北芸術工科大学入学。ビデオによる映画創作活動をスタート。2005年同大学卒業。現在はフリーター。『いのちについて』(ショートショートフィルムフェスティバルアジア2004 入選)"
●Director’s bio-filmography :
Born in 1983, Iwabuchi started making video films after entering Tohoku University of Art & Design in 2001. He graduated in 2005, and is currently a permanent Part-timer.“About a Life” was selected for the 2004 Short Shorts Film Festival Asia. He was one of the producers of Beyond Borders, a film produced for a workshop at the National Cultural Festival's "Yamagata 2003" Documentary Festival.

「誰か聞いてください(誰來聽我説) 」(蔡一峰監督/台湾/76分)
"Would someone listen to me?"(Tsai Yi-Feng/Taiwan/76min)
●シノプシス :
●Synopsis :
Having the job title of Spiderman on one's passport may sound adventurous, but for the construction workers who spend their life on Southern Cross Island ?and who bear such a job title-life can hardly be comparable to a Hollywood movie.
Using crude equipment, Spidermen are employed to shimmy up and down the island's cliff face on the Southwestern shore of the island to protect it against potential earthquakes. Spidermen are not feted and crowned with glory the way Hollywood movie stars are. They live far away from home, working till their backs break and falling into slumber as soon as they clock off. The meager pay they receive does not match the highly risky nature of their work. They refuse to give up on life, but the future looks bleak."

蔡一峰(Tsai Yi- Feng/ツァイ・イーフェン)は台南芸術大学大学院音像紀録研究所を卒業後、TVプロデューサー、写真家、ファースト・アシスタント・ディレクターを経て、現在はドキュメンタリー映画監督。
●Director’s bio-filmography :
Tsai Yi-Feng graduated from the Graduate Institute of Sound and Image Studies in Documentary at Tainan's College of Art. He has worked as a Television Producer, photographer and First Assistant Director. He is currently a documentary filmmaker.

"Amateur Riot" (Yuki Nakamura/Japan/80min)
●シノプシス :

高円寺の商店街にそれぞれ店を持つ若者達から自然発生した「素人の乱」。中古家電店店主の松本哉を中心に、ネットラジオ配信や地域活動などを通して生活圏に根付いた独自の文化を築いている。上からの一方的な規制や弾圧に対し、「街を遊び場に変える 」という発想から、区議選を利用したある作戦を思いつく。DIYの力強い意思と、ダイナミックな活動に血湧き肉踊るお祭りドキュメント!
●Synopsis :
An Shiroto-no-ran" is started by a group of young adults who each have a store on a shopping street in Koenji.This community has a unique culture that evolved through local activities and internet radio.The action centers on Hajime Matsumoto,owmer of a second-hand electrinics store.Opposed to strict regulations and repressive measures enforced by the authorities, and with the idea of changing the town into a fun place,Matsumoto and the others devise a plan using the upcoming election for district council to their advantage.This is an exciting documentary that offers a glimpse into the minds and attitudes of people who are determined to do what they want.

「東第8病棟(八東病房) 」
"Hospital Wing 8 East"(Huang Hui-zhen (Meg)/Taiwan/50min)

803号室にはLisa(リサ)と年老いた任(レン)、805号室には阿英(アーイン)と年老いた威(ウェイ)、その隣のベッドは羅力(ルオリー) と年老いた周(チョウ)がいる。阿英(アーイン)と羅力(ルオリー)はそれぞれ異なった国から来ていて、二人とも故郷を離れ、それぞれの理由でここへ働きにくることを決意していた。
●Synopsis :
Many patients needing long-term care and their foreign caretakers reside in the East 8 Wing of the Jen Ai Hospital in Taipei. Inside these small rooms, their stories unfold… the unexpected and the inevitable, birth, aging, sickness and death, the sorrows and hopes of those far from home.
In Room 803 are Lisa and old Mr. Ren, in Room 805 are Ah Ying and old Mr. Wei, and in the next bed Luoli and old Mr. Zhou. Lisa, Ah Ying and Luoli are all from different countries. Each has decided to leave home and come here to work for different reasons.
Every day they each feed their employers, give them medicine, clear their breathing tubes, change their diapers, massage them…in these long days filled with homesickness, what these women give to their work is not just their labor power…

●監督プロフィール :
台北市労工局 外労文化センター 専員
中国時報 産業労働組合 総幹事
台湾公共テレビ ドキュメンタリー番組「ビューポイント(觀點)」 撮影助手
工人轟拍(労働者ドキュメンタリ撮影コース) アシスタントインストラクター
ドキュメンタリー「八東病房」 監督
ドキュメンタリー「我的T媽媽」 監督
●Director’s bio-filmography :
Executive secretary of NGO Institute
Coordinator of Center for Migrant Workers, Department of Labour, Taipei City Government
Chairperson of China Times Labour Union
Filming assistant of PTS documentary programme ""View Point""
Assistant instructor of ""workers' documentary course (工人轟拍)""
Director of ""Hospital Wing 8 East""
Director of ""My T Mother (我的T媽媽)""

「関西公園~Public Blue~」(アンケー・ハーマン/日本・ドイツ/70分)"
"Kansai Kouen~Public Blue~"(Anke Haarman/Japan,Germany/70min)

「関西公園~Public Blue~」とはドイツ、アメリカ、日本のスタッフの協力で制作されたドキュメンタリーフィルム。私たちは「関西公園」という野宿者の抵抗・コミュニティーについてのドキュメンタリーを制作した。弾圧、テントの強制撤去といった大阪の状況に反対し、今年(2006年1月30日)の靭公園と大阪城公園の行政代執行を中心に、野宿・支援者たちに自分たちの想いや自己認識・情勢理解を語ってもらった。
●Synopsis :
Everywhere in parks and on the river banks of Osaka rivers, one sees blue tents or barracks covered with blue plastic tarps, at times scattered throughout park areas, sometimes lined up in rows, or united to form small communities. The term homelessness only insufficiently describes the situation of these 「nojyukusha」, the campers in the rough. These squatters are the daily inhabitants of public space. But just as Japanese society has traditionally little known nor appreciated public space as a public forum, likewise are squatters and homeless people, who live in these spaces, disrespected.
The video essay Public Blue was produced in collaboration with Nojyukusha and supporters in Osaka. Public Blue follows their political action and sketches impressions of the Japanese understanding of the public and the political. Used now as a tool during the struggle against evictions of tents in Osaka, the documentary also becomes a vehicle of articulation for those who are living on the outside of Japanese society.
●制作組織 :
●Director:Anke Haarman
●Production Group:
KansaiKouen.Org is maintained by a network of people from Japan and abroad. We are an open group with different backgrounds (Students, Scientists, Translators, Workers, Activists, Artists, Unemployed etc.) that came together in encountering Nojukusha communities and their power to live and struggle for the sake of their own way of living. If you want to engage or participate please contact us.


The official debut of Public Blue was held at the Yamagata film festival 2007.
-The Torrent file is available at the following location:
-To learn more about torrent clients, see, for example, the following page.

「共に勝利を ~スターバックス労働組合の戦い~」(ダイアン・クラウトハマー/アメリカ合衆国/15分)
"Together We Win! The Fight To Organise Starbucks ?"(Diane Krauthamer/United States/15min)
●Synopsis :

People are fighting one of the world$B!G(Bs largest multi-national companies, in an attempt to improve the lives of those involved in the coffee industry from bean to cup. This short film directed by Diane Krauthamer chronicles victories and struggles in the first two years of Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) union organizing at Starbucks. It tells how fed up baristas working for Starbucks in New York decided to form a union and fight for their rights and dignity at work against a vicious anti-union management.

ダイアン・クラウトハマーはニューヨークを拠点とする独立映画製作者・ジャーナリストであり、世界労働者組合(IWW)や北東無政府共産主義者連合(NEFAC)のメンバーとしても活動している。Indymediaでの7年間の活動を経て、IWWのメディア・報道部門に携わる。2007年には、本タイトル(""Together We Win: The Fight to Organize Starbucks."")の上映ツアーで、アメリカ合衆国、カナダ、西ヨーロッパの各地を回った。 彼女への連絡は、diane@indymedia.org まで。
●director's profile:
Diane Krauthamer is a New York City-based independent filmmaker and journalist, and a dedicated member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the Northeast Federation of Anarchist-Communists (NEFAC). Following her seven years of experience with Indymedia, she became involved in media and press work with the IWW. In 2007, Diane toured parts of the U.S., Canada and Western Europe with presentations of her short film on the Starbucks Workers Union, titled "Together We Win: The Fight to Organize Starbucks." She can be contacted at diane@indymedia.org.

(Kim Mi-Re/大韓民国/89分)
"NOGADA"(Kim Mi-Re/the Republic of Korea/89min)

韓国独立映画協会 フィルム・オブ・ザ・イヤー賞
●Synopsis :
Following the footsteps of her father, a construction worker, the director draws the portrait of a very particular social class: the Nogadas or Day Labourers; who go from one construction site to another. Complete social outcasts, they are the scorned base of the pyramidal system that rules the construction sector in South Korea and Japan.
Of the two million workers in the construction industry in South Korea,1.8 million are blue-collared construction site workers. These workers move from job to joball over the country and are paid for each day of work performed. If the construction siteshuts down due to weather or other natural disasters, they do not get paid. If they do not show up for work due to an illness or a family emergency they are not paid.
South Korean construction sites are an intricate map of contractors and sub-contractors. At the very top are the big chaebols who stiffen off as much profit as possible from each construction project and at the very bottom after several layers of sub-contractors are the construction site workers who must work ten hours a day, seven days a week, under horrible working conditions. In addition, South Korean construction sites are like a ""war zone"", where every day two workers are killed and seven workers are injured due to unsafe and dangerous conditions.
In the back drop of this, construction site workers are organizing and joining a union to increase their wages, obtain benefits, improve their working conditions, and have dignity in the work place. This film depicts the struggle of these workers in their fight for justice and dignity in an industry that has historically exploited them. In their own words, workers graphically account the many accidents and deaths they have witnessed due to the company's efforts to ""cut corners"" so the project can be finished on time and under budget.
Workers also talk about the humility of having to relieve themselves in
public since the companies refuse to provide portable bathrooms or washing facilities.
The film also accounts the challenges these worker face as a result of the constant repression by both the South Korean government and South Korean companies who are clearly unnerved by these workers' organizing efforts. Despite these challenges, it is clear from the film that these workers will continue to organize to improve their lives.

Screening History
10th Pusan International Film Festival (6-14 October, 2005)
The 9th Seoul International Labor Film Festival (15-20 Nobember, 2005)
Seoul Independent Film Festival 2005 ( 9-16 December, 2005)
20th Fribourg International Film Festival (12-19 March , 2006)"
Association of Korean Independent Film and Video - Film of the Year Award

金美禮(きむ みれ)
「労動者じゃないのか?」(60分/DV Cam/カラー/2003年9月)-企画・製作・演出

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